Welcome to the Pirates!

Hockey Minis2_ColSim


Welcome to the Discovery Bay Pirates, one of the largest multi-sports clubs in Hong Kong, that encompasses sports from our mini grades in rugby, nettas and hockey players through to our rugby seniors, ladies’ Netballers and our hockey and dragons boat teams

No previous experience is required, no matter your age/your child’s age! Joining the DB Pirates community means becoming a part of an extended family of players, parents and supporters. The community is what has built this club and the club is a great place for young families, and keen sportsmen and women, with enthusiasm, determination and commitment to get involved.

DB Pirates has a strong commitment to members, with a focus on creating a positive team environment, a passion towards training and playing, and encouragement and support for all of its players.

Creating the ideal environment for sporting activities, Pirates strongly encourages all parents to be actively involved and be part of the sport that your children love to play. We encourage all parents to actively play a role in their children’s development and the competitions that they are involved in by becoming a coach, team manager, first aider or a volunteer at large.

We are always looking for new members to welcome into our community Enthusiasm and energy are all that is required to get involved and we have plenty of room for new joiners across all teams and age groups.

The club is run completely by a dedicated and passionate team of volunteers, heading up the different sport sections, planning for future seasons and events, organising kit and creating fun social occasions, as well as managing the club's financial obligations and communications.

Please e-mail the club at admin@dbpirates.com with any questions and if you would like to become a Pirate, or have skills to share as a volunteer!

We'd love you onboard!

Your Clubs Reps

DB Pirates

The DB Pirates Board consists of representatives from each of the four sports as well as people with specific skills to guide management and functionality of the club. Club Reps all volunteer their time and talents. The board meets monthly.

Hank Terrebrod


Hank Terrebrood

I have lived in Hong Kong for over 20 years, working in finance. This year marks my 5th season with the Pirates. I was an assistant coach in U10 and U12 mixed and girls rugby and hockey and head coach of U12 and U14 girls rugby. Last season I was head of girls rugby.
My task is to continue to keep the club aligned with its multi-disciplined sporting objectives and working with all our volunteers to create a lasting brand while recruiting and retaining club members.

Club Representative for Netball

Sam Lewis

I have been playing netball since childhood and joined the DB Pirates in 2014. To this day it is the best decision I have made! The community spirit within the Pirates helped settle me in DB, and going forward I will do all I can to help foster this spirit within netball and across the wider club.

Club Representative & Treasurer

The role of Treasurer is a key position in this club and requires a  person with great integrity, discretion, trust and diligence. Our treasurer manages and records the finances for the club, and works with the board and external suppliers to keep the wheels turning, aims to steer the club into a strong fiscal position and regularly advises  the board of projected financial positions or issues.

Liz Head shot 2016

Club Representative for Dragon Boating

Liz Grant

A passionate dragon boater, Liz brings strong communication, design and advertising expertise to the board. She has lived in DB for almost 3 years and loves the community spirit of the Pirates.

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Club Representative for Senior Rugy

Casey McLean

Casey has been playing rugby for 30 years and has found a home with the Discovery Bay. Pirates as an active member of the Seniors team since 2014 who thrives on the competition and camaraderie.

Casey has extensive experience in investment management, research and analysis skills and will be looking to utilise this experience on the Board as the Senior Rugby Rep.

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Club Representative for Mini Rugy

(Name withheld)

Profile to come

James Ford

Club Representative for Hockey

James Ford

James Ford played hockey, badly, at school and university. He was dragged back into the game after signing his daughter up at u8 level in the first season of the pirates hockey programme, and has since been head coach at U8, U10 and U12 age group levels with surprising success. He returned to playing at mixed 6-a-side level. He is passionate about grass roots hockey and bringing new talent into the game.

Bongi Shabalala-sq

Club Representative

Bongi Shabalala

Having moved to HK in September of 2018, Bongi joined the senior rugby team and found a family and friends in the DB Pirates.

With extensive experience in strategy, coordination, planning and managing of daily operational and administrative functions, Bongi will be assisting in many functions with a main focus on the daily operational activity of the club.