A fun way to stay fit, meet new people and race in an ancient sport
The most fun you can have on water.
Are you new to DB?
Looking for a new sport?
Or just want to have fun and meet new people?
Then come join our Dragon Boat team as we kick off the new season this March!
We welcome men and women over 18 of all abilities; no experience is required, just enthusiasm, determination and commitment. You need to be able to swim at least 100m. We have life jackets for those who are a little unsure.
Training is at Sam Pak Wan (North) Beach, Discovery Bay - Saturdays, 9am - and is usually followed by a social coffee.
Further Information
Race Season
We will be building our strength and learning the drills and skills to paddle together. Race season starts in mid January, and we quickly start preparing for the big Hong Kong Dragon Boat races on Lamma, Stanley, Deepwater Bay, Discovery Bay and other races, all held around May-June. Training gets serious, rain hail or shine...and there is a lot of laughing inbetween.
We are a very social team, and regularly organise fun events for the team. Race days are always a lot of fun and include some significant celebrating, win, lose or drown.
For more information, or to join our team please contact us at head_dragonboat@dbpirates.com
Or sign up to be a DB Pirate now with the link on this page.
Going green
Our DB Pirates Dragon Boat Team has committed to keeping our beaches and waters as clean as possible by taking the Plastic Pledge:
- Bring reusable water bottles to each training, race events & festivals
- Bring a reusable cup to after-race parties and events
- Bring food to festivals in reusable containers or to purchase from environmentally friendly outlets
- Participate in a beach clean up after each training session
- Nominate a Green Ambassador in the team
- Encourage others to join Green Dragons HK and raise awareness
Dragon Boat News
Training Days & Times
9am Saturdays
North Beach (Sam Pak Wan), Discovery Bay
Ready to join the Pirates?
Click here to register for next season via our TeamSnap App.
March 4, 2022
We are excited to announce our new season will be commencing in March, and we are looking for new paddlers to come and join our team!
Please register with the DB Pirates, and download the TeamSnap app to receive all our team communications, training information, and race schedules.
Get ready to READY & REACH!!!
Please note: You must be registered and a paid up DB Pirates member to paddle with us. The whole registration, payment and team communications process is now fully integrated with TeamSnap.
Follow the links on this page.
Registration Costs
- Dragon Boating $2500

Images depicted on this website have been contributed by our professional photographer, Colin Sim, as well as images from parents and coaches. We assume permissions have been granted from image subjects. For image enquiries or contributions email: contact@dbpirates.com