A big thank you from Simon Tasker, DB Pirates Head of Rugby
That’s all folks! We have made it to the end of another season of Rugby. It’s now time for me to reflect on all of the achievements of our players and coaches across the age grades. Without the unwavering dedication of our players, coaches and parents it would have been easy to throw in the towel, especially considering the on-again, off-again nature of the season we’ve just had. But in true Pirates fashion, we all showed grit and determination to make sure that our players had the best possible rugby experience.
To those that are leaving this season. Thank you. Thank you for everything that you’ve done for the club. No matter if you were a player, coach or parent. Your contribution to our club cannot be understated.
To those who are returning next season, I look forward to welcoming you back and tackling the challenges that lie ahead together with the same Pirate’s resolve and determination that we’ve shown over the past few seasons.
I would like to finish with a quote from Peter Drucker, a man famous for his business acumen and insights to leadership, who tells us that “culture eats strategy for breakfast”. He’s suggesting that the most important thing about a business or a team or an institution is not their fancy plans or clever techniques or sophisticated protocols, but their mood and cohesion. Their willingness to pull together for a common aim. Their sense of a shared destiny. And he’s right – culture trumps strategy every time. You can have yourself the best strategy in the world, but if your culture isn’t right, the strategy will fail.
And I believe this quote encapsulates our club perfectly.
Have a great summer everyone.
Simon Tasker
DB Pirates Head of Rugby